Acquisition of investment properties
– When should a purchase of investment property (or properties) be accounted for as a business combination, and when as a simple asset purchase? This is an important issue because the IFRS accounting requirements for a business combination are very different from asset purchases.
Asset acquisition or business combination
The IASB’s new guidance changes the definition of a business and will likely result in more transactions being recorded as asset acquisitions. The new definition of a business could have a significant impact in the real estate (RE) industry.
New guidance (from 1 January 2020 or earlier)
IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ has been amended to update the definition of a business. The new model introduces an optional concentration test that, if met, eliminates the need for further assessment. To be considered a business, an acquisition would have to include an input and a substantive process that together significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs. The new guidance provides a framework to evaluate when an input and a substantive process are present.